I don't usually post anything personal per say (so forgive my indulgence), but I had to share the little piece of heaven I get to enjoy outside my door everyday. It's inspiring, and it reminds me that this world is full of the beauty of our Heavenly Father despite the hardships we might endure. I hope this lifts you like it lifts me.
Keep up the good work, you're making childrens' lives more beautiful.
You can be personal on here! We Mormon girls aren't only about business :) Although, we choristers all know that we have the best job in the church :)
I don't know where you live, but that's lovely :)
is that really the view from where you live??
Wow, was I surprised to see your view, because I have the same one outside my back window! We must live in the same stake! I love the Palouse in the spring!
oh my gracious- that is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous!!!
*Mary Beth Carlisle (new to Primary Music calling and I was blog hoppin' and found you)
Where the heck do you live? Germany? Austria? That is amazing! I see it says the great Northwest in your profile...I lived in Seattle and while it is pretty can't compare to that! Wow lucky you.
Wow, kind of reminds me of growing up in Idaho. How do you ever get anything done? I would just sit and stare and daydream all day long.
Before I read this post, I thought to myself, "Is that picture for real?" And yep...it is. Wow...that is AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing.
Pleease tell us where that is!! Unbelievably gorgeous. Living in Texas is about as far from that as can be. LOVE your blog, thanks for all you do!!!
Wow. Beautiful.
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