Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Discovery Week- "Tour Guide"

May's song is 'Baptism'. In my opinion, it is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. It tells of one of the most amazing acts of obedience and humility in the world's history. My goal through this activity will be to help the children really know and feel the importance and power of this piece of music.


A Name Tag that says "Tour Guide-Primary Tours"

1 picture of Jesus Christ being baptised by John the Baptist

1 Picture of the River Jordan (I haven't found the one I want just yet, but when I do I will try and post it here)

A Globe

Colored chalk--I may or may not use this to write down answers to my questions on the board.

Picture Prompts


Tell the children that today is going to be so much fun because we are going to take a pretend trip to a very special place and we get to learn our new song for the month of May. Have everyone stand up. Tell them to grab their pretend suitcase in their hands. Have the pianist play a few wiggle songs right in a row. As the music plays in the back ground, have the children move their feet to the rhythm. Tell them that your late for your plane so you'll have to reverently jog in place....oh no you dropped your suit case (sing hinges to pick it up) make it fun and get those wiggles out so they can concentrate on the next part of the activity..finally tell them they made the plane just in time and have them sit down.

Spend a few min telling them that they are now flying over a huge ocean and perhaps what they can see now and then. You could use the globe at this point to show them where they are going. Tell them they are now off the plane. Have them close their eyes as you describe them walking over some rocky paths in a place that they've never been. Tell them its hotter than here and as you come around a corner you can hear something....at this point have the pianist play just the bottom hand to the song. It has the rhythm of a river and ask them what the rhythm of the song reminds them of. Have them open their eyes.

Show them the picture of the Jordan River and tell them this is the special place that they traveled so long to get to. Show your picture prompts for the first verse and tell them that you want them to listen to the song and see if they can hear where they are. Continue to sing the song as the children answer Who was there, what happened, why it was important, and what should we do now that we know this story. Put up the picture of the Savior being baptised after the first verse has been learned and reference it for the next verses.

The first part of this activity should only take maybe 3-4 min. The rest of the time will be spent singing the song, understanding the words and story, and getting the rhythm down.

I hope that all makes sense...its been a long day.

*the crazy chorister


Becky said...

It's possible you've already seen this and you're looking for something else, but I love this picture of the Jordan River that's found in the the scriptures. (If you have a newer version; I didn't know about it until a year ago.)

Here's a link:

Melanie said...

Thank you so much Becky! That's the one I wanted.

Liz said...

Thanks for the great idea! I may have to incorporate that into teaching "Baptism". I love that song too!

Lisa-Marie said...

That is such a beautiful idea. It actually gave me tears in my eyes just visualizing it.

Your blog is so great and I really appreciate all the effort you put into your calling!

Andrea gave me the link, by the way and I'm so thrilled.

Nate and Jill said...

Hi, I'm Jill and I love your ideas. I incorporated this idea into our singing time today and it turned out wonderful. The kids loved it and so did I. Thanks for sharing your ideas. This song is definitely beautiful and your idea was perfect for our primary. Thanks again.

emily said...


Love your "monthly method" on the side of your blog. Wondered if I give you credit if you'd mind if I post it on my blog? ldsprimaryposters.blogspot.com

I just think it would help a lot of people...

Megan said...

Hi, I am Megan and recently called as the chorister. I was beyond nervous but your blog has made things so much easier!

I LOVE this idea and was able to use it on Sunday and the kids were so into it that you could have heard a pin drop. The spirit was so strong that I actually lost it during the song. Thank you for giving me that gift!

I'll be back often. Thank you so much for posting and putting forth all this effort! It definitely keeps me motivated!

Melanie said...

Thank you for your kind comments. We too had an amazing outpouring of the spirit in singing time. I was overcome as well and had to stop to bare testimony of the truthfullness of this song. It was one of those experiences I will never forget. I love this calling.

Emily-I am happy to give you permission to post this on your blog. Thank you for giving me credit.

Kobie said...

I've linked you and would love for you to do the same for me!


Michelle said...

I used this idea for my primary--it really was a fun way to get the kids attention. The Spirit was so strong during the lesson. It really felt good to be a part of. Thanks for your ideas--it really helps me in a challenging calling :)