Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Primary Peril - program review week

I've seen an idea for Jeopardy around on many sites. I changed the name so it sounded cool. I was just waiting for the right time to do this, and Program Review week seemed like a good time. I tend to use this week to throw in a few songs that we typically don't get to sing for variety.


4 category title strips (Program Songs, Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle (movement songs), Blast from the Past (last year program songs), Our Savior (any song with Jesus in it).)

3 "Answers" for every category (Example: If the category is "Program Songs" one of the answers could be "In this verse Father said He needed someone who had enough love". The question the child would say is "What is 'I Lived in Heaven' -second verse".***obviously this particular question would be for the senior primary. Believe it or not, my Sr. Primary kids would find this rather easy. It would be wise to make a separate set of answer cards for Jr. primary so the its more on their level). Remember to put numbers on the back of the answer cards such as 100, 500, 1000.

*Due to the fact that I don't have all my answer/question cards worked out yet, I'm not going to post it here. However, if you would like a copy of what I am going to do, just leave a comment with your email address and I'll send it too you as soon as I have it all done.


Before Primary, set up the Jeopardy board (If anyone needs instructions for this let me know). Call up a child, allow them to pick a category and a number. Tell them the answer, have them respond in question form (this will be difficult for the little ones so don't be too tight on the jeopardy rule thing) and then sing the corresponding song.

*Inspired by: The Idea Door
**adapted by: The Crazy Chorister


Sharon said...

this sounds great .. I'd love a copy when you are finished .. shronc@gmail.com .. thanks!

Liz said...

Sounds great! I'd love a copy when you are finished. ct7brown at comcast dot net


Collette said...

I would love a copy when you are done! This sounds so fun. You do a great job. brianpkelley@digis.net

The Mom said...

I would absolutely love a copy! Thank you so much! tacpaskett at comcast dot net

Melvin and Carly said...

I was planning something similar for our 5th Sunday singing time, when I also do the Sharing time. I would love a copy. Thanks for sharing your great ideas. I'm new as a chorister and your blog has been very helpful. m4carly AT aol DOT com

Gina said...

This is a great idea and I would love a copy. Thanks for sharing ideas. I am a new chorister and you have been such a great help to me. ginabo10@gmail.com.

rainer said...

I would love a copy when you have completed it. I also have a full 30min. on the 5th sunday and this sounds so fun. Could you also send me the Jeopardy board set up.

Thx ;)
Carrie in Az

Sally said...

this sounds great my sr primary would love it.
sign me up for a finished copy please and thank-you

Alice said...

hey there! I love your blog. It's an excellent help for me since I've never done this calling before. :) I'd love a copy of your game. My email address is aliceshelley76@hotmail.com Thanks!

Lisa Wood said...

I would love a copy. Thanks for this site. knockonwood.lisa@gmail.com

Liz Sevy said...

I would love a copy!. Thanks for all your time you put in making this site! I use it every week

Jaimie said...

Hi Melanie!
I've been a chorister since November. I don't feel I have the creative vibe for this at all, which I am completely grateful for your expertise in this area. I am not shy in telling all that I plagiarize all the ideas for singing time. I honestly have not come up with a single idea myself, so far. Yet, I'm not a traditional chorister either :o) I truly appreciate all your fantastic ideas and putting them out there for people like me to use.
So, I would love to borrow a copy for this next idea too! Thanks again for all you do! 1mickeyfreak@comcast.net

Cecy said...

I'd love a copy when you're done! Thanks for the fun adaption!
Cecy Wheeler

PerryParty3 said...

very cool. Definitely want the final outcome of ideas! Thanks!

Hazen5 said...

Came to take a peek from Andrea's blog! I am not the chorister but, I am going to pass this link on, you have such great ideas.

Amy said...

I would love a copy of this when you have it all done my email address is ARodeback@gmail.com


The Howards said...

You are so awesome!! I obviously didn't you had this blog either until I read Andrea's blog. You are so amazing! Our kids are lucky that you really do care so much for them. Thank you so much for the time and the effort that you put in music every week. We complain at having to do sharing time once every 3 months, and yet you come in with new amazing ideas EVERY WEEK!!! You are AMAZING!! Thanks again for sharing you talent with us!!

Goratrain and Ian-ator said...

I would love a copy. thanks for all your hard work.


Jane said...

I would love a copy of your jeopardy game. Thankyou so much. LOve your ideas!!!

Jane said...

From Jane....JHamblin@aol.com

Rachel said...

I would really appreciate a copy of your Jeopardy game.

Thanks for sharing all your fun ideas!

rachelmcavoy at cox dot net

jenny said...

I would love a copy! Your Ideas are great! Thanks for your help! Jenny @ Bountifulsmiles@yahoo.com

Hangin with the Burke's said...

I would love a copy! Thanks jenniegarthe@yahoo.com

Lynette said...

I hope it isn't too late to ask, but I would also love a copy. Thanks so much for all your work! I love your site and have used a few of your ideas. In fact I used your Singing Land idea last week and it was a huge hit! The Primary President commented on how much fun the kids had and how well they have learned the song! I gave all the credit to you. I have been wanting to try out this jeopardy idea for a while. I found out that I can download a simple jeopardy template file onto Powerpoint and my church has a big flat screen tv that I can hook my laptop to. I'm excited to try it out! Thanks again. My email is lynettefreeze@msn.com

Annie said...

What an inspired idea! Please share! annie.hadley@Yahoo.com

Amy said...

Thank you for serving not only your primary children but me and mine as well! I would love a copy. sis.burnemup@gmail Thank you!

JJJAM&S said...

great idea!!!!

Thanks for sharing!


lori said...

you are awesome! I love the twist on the original game with the creative categories. I would love it when you are done. Thanks so much

lori said...

i just left a request and for some reason it always leaves my husbands name. He is Doug, my name is Lori and I'm so excited to get the game. thanks for all the time you put in, I know it takes a while.....

Dana said...

Hi Melanie,
Can I get a copy, too? danabeas@yahoo.com.
Thanks, Dana

Kara Mikesell said...

I would love a copy! karaboo3@gmail.com

Angela said...

I, also, love your blog and tell everyone about it. Could I have a copy? I think I'll use it for the 5th sunday in March! thanx a billion!!
Angela in NC
sethandangie at hotmail dot com

Nate and Sum said...

I would love a copy of everything. Thanks!

summeresplin at yahoo dot com

Jill said...

I would like a copy of your Primary Peril

Katharine said...

I would like a copy of the Baptism Jeopardy question/answers too please.

Anonymous said...

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