Monday, May 18, 2009

Program Review Week -Primary Kerplunk

I loved this idea so much the moment I read it on Thank you to that blog site for such a great activity.

The way I used it was slightly different. I wrote down all the songs we have learned for the program so far on little pieces of paper and put them into a box. I had one child draw the song from the box. Then they could pull a stick from game. If no marbles fell, they could choose how many verses to the song we sang or if they wanted to sing a different song completely they could choose to do that. If marbles fell, we sang one verse for every marble. If more marbles fell than were verses in the song we just sang through the song, all verses, and stopped to improve different parts of it. We were able to review all five songs in the given time just great.

Pretty simple, and the kids just loved it.

Thanks again for the great idea primarysinging timeideas!

1 comment:

Me, Myself and I said...

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